Sunday, May 9, 2010


hey daddddddd,
hm.. 3 years, really? still haven't heard a single fucking word from you, but i've talked to nicky a few times. uh, yeah. whatever. hoping every thing's good with you and your family. hopefully the baby's yours, word on the street is your wife's a whore. waddddya know! can't say i didn't tell you so.. oh &me and mom are fantastic, thanks for asking. we went to mexico on your dime, thanks dude. your still a piece of shit, but i still miss the living shit out of you. mad shit's goin' on with me, i'm prettty much failing religion thanks to you for helping this by never taking me to ccd &church. uh, i've passed out 4 times in the passed 3 months. doctors dunno what the fucks up with me, but whatever i'm tough.. i mean come on, i used to practically used to live in keansburg. i guess your going through shit too, yaknow since you got your child support lowered like a fuck bag. i've been trying to figure out whether or not i should come and visit soon.. maybe one day i'll grow some balls, print this letter out, bake some cookies & come over for a visit. mom probably would have to beat the living shit out of me for even think about doing that considering how big of a douchebag you are. classss A. but hey, i turned out exactly like you thought i would; whore, pothead, alcoholic. you know how it is.. unfortunately, i am being sarcastic. sorry to disappoint you big guy. oh, by the way.. father's day is coming up. i'm obviously not going to get you anything, i'm probably gonna just chill, by myself. cause everyone else on the planet will be with there fathers. but not me ;) if it makes you feel ANY better about yourself.. the girl that i brought to your house had a kid with some 19 year old black dude. but anywho.. on some lighter notes. i'm fine. i'm great. i'm STILL your daughter. i'm still going to meet michael one day and tear you to fucking pieces. so much for lighter. whatever, this is over.
which, by the way.. is my first name, not my first & middle. fyi, for your fucking information douchebag.