Friday, October 23, 2009

forever young.

so, i've never done this before and i have no clue what i'm supposed to write. i'm told that i should just write about what i'm thinking. well, right now i'm thinking of how much i hate my friday nights. like reallly, i'm home doing nothing at 7:13 and i have no plans, and i'm not gonna have any. it's always like this, and i feel like a fucking loser. i'm also thinking about the fact that i'm overly obsessed with eminem, and it's kinda sick. like my itunes is on shuffle and the passed fourteen songs in a row have been him, weird.

i guess i can tell you about myself. i'm fourteen, and a freshman at saint john vianney. i secretly hate it, but i tell everyone it's amazing and that i love it. everyone's fake, and classes are a fucking joke. i've had the same friends for the longest time, it's what i'm used to so it'll never change. i don't get along with people cause i'm too mature for my age. i don't like capital letters, cause they make my writing look ugly. i'm the worst speller, but i'll correct your grammar anytime. i'm always in the mood to go to a party, but all my friends hate them. my boyfriend and i are complete opposites and i like it just fine that way. my family is weird, awkward, and huge, but i love them to death. i think way too highly about myself, and that's another reason that people don't like me. i curse WAAAAYY too much, but you'll learn to deal.

so yeah, enough about me.. and now that i'm not talking about myself anymore, i have no clue what to write. horrible, isn't it? i've been at this for about eight minutes and i still haven't gotten anywhere. what am i even supposed to talk about? alright, i think i know what i wanna vent about.

so, have you ever noticed that girls and guys seem to wanna grow up so fast. like, they wanna smoke, drink, have sex, get pregnant, and what-not alll while there still in high school. they really need to calm the fuck down. alright, that made me sound prude as hell. i mean, have sex, but not with every guy or girl you meet just cause you think you have too. ohh word, and be safe too, don't be the asshole to get pregnant cause then your fucked for the rest of your life. drink, when your at a party with people, not when your at home alone, like a fucking loser. don't smoke though, nasty shit.

i thought that was gonna go better, i don't know what the fuck i'm talking about. but i stilll have more to say. why is everyone dying lately? all these celebrities, all these kids dying of diseases and committing suicide. it's really upsetting. it really makes you think about how short life really is, and how fast everything can be over.. yaa know. uhhm, i had more to say but i forgot.

i guess this is it for now.. i'll probably write again someday soon.

-kbye :D

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