Thursday, February 18, 2010


okay, so i'm sure everyone reading this know's what formspring is. but for the hermits that live in alaska i might as well explain. formspring is a website which was mad so that you can ask people questions that you wouldn't normally ask, anonymously. yesssssss. that's what it was made for. what people have turned it into is something nasty as hell. the only things people put on formspring now are nasty and rude comments that their too afraid to say to someone. this is a blog in response to all the shit people have said about me :)

so people who call me a slut/whore/skank..
YOU DON'T FUCKING KNOW ME. you all talk out of you assholes. i'm a virgin, for everyone who didn't know. and for everyone who thought other wise. i've never had sex, barley even been close. i talk to a lot of guys, yes. at the same time, no. i'm not gonna play you like a little bitch.

people who say that i've changed..
hmm.. makes sense considering i used to be an immature little fucker. or maybe because i started going to sjv? but yeah, i still hangout with the same people i've hungout with since the 7th grade.. all my friends from middletown. but yes, i've changed? i'd really like to know how. i fucking cannot stand anyone. apparently i've changed into a "selfish bitch".. no honey. i'm probably the most selfLESS person you'll ever meet. i'll do anything for anyone who needs help. OH, yes i just realized.. i did change. last year. i was a fucking loner, pretty much wanting to kill myself every night cause everyone always talked about me in school and i felt like i had nobody to talk to. ever. honestly the only reason i decided to go to sjv in the first place, and pretty much the only reason i'm staying there. i've changed for the better. so fuck off.

for the people who say i'm discusting/trashy..
i'm trashy? LMFAO. honestly? why? because i wear my hair up to school? or cause i smoked weed.. THREEE fucking time? oh wait, that's right. because of the weed. that makes me SOOOOOOOO trashy. i mean, i might as well live in camdan. maybe you should say that to all them trashy girls that get so drunk EVERY weekend & fuck random guys. AND THEN don't remember. you alll know who the fuck yous are. oh word. and i'm a pothead, cannnot forget that. honestly suck my fucking dick. fuck you all, burn in fucking helll.

for all the people who say i'm fat/ugly..
as if i didn't know already? i'm trying not to kill myself, k? i have the lowest self esteem already, and yous are just trying to make me have a major meltdown. like fuurealz. um, yeah. i know i'm fat, i'm actually trying to loose weight. thanks. and i'm sorry, my dad's an ugly man & i inherited a lot of his genes. it's not my fault that i'm this ugly. OH, AND MY TEEEETH. i'm getting braces end of april, begining of may. so everyone can calm their fucking dick.

me writting this, was not an overreaction. &i'm not blowing it out of proportion i'm positive that sooooo many other people have the same exact feeling that i do. but yaknow, whatever. just speaking my mind i guess.
by the way, heres my formspring ;) make sure you think before you speeeak.


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